Mike & Karen have Returned 2 OZ: We have had a busy 5 days so far. We made it to the Great Barrier Reef (GBR) and survived the Monsoons, with torrential rains and ROUGH Seas. It was a great experience, not exactly what we had envisioned the reefs to look like, but fun none the less. Mike and I both dove; Karen 1 dive & Mike 5 dives. We did several snorkel outings as well. The water was quite rough and the conditions were not as clear as one would have hoped for, but we saw a lot and had a lot of fun. It truly is a wonder of the world. The ship The Reed Endeavor was our home for 4 days; we learned to walk the “drunken sailor” walk. Food was great, and the folks met were interesting to talk to. We arrived back in Cairns last night - tired, but ready for the next adventure(s). Happy days our luggage was waiting for us. J.
Hi Karen and Mike,
Heidi and Mel here! It was lovely to meet you both and share the 'ocean with the motion' experience . . . was so nice to be back on land, even if it was as wet as the seas and still rolling! We hope you enjoy the next stage of your great adventure, we'll be tuning in from Sydney and Oxford (UK) respectively. Lots of love H & M
Hi there Guys,
number 1/4 Brother here. Glad to hear you had a great time on the boat and doing some diving. Kinda wondering why my big sis only got her toes wet once, but I'm sure that is another story for another time. Great to hear that once you returned to land, you were able to get your luggage back. That will put a smile on anyones face! :-) We look forward to other updates as you progress on your trip. We love you both lots. - Eric -
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